/ German below /

The exhibition presents works of the of the artist Tae-Woo Kang who. born in 1964 in Seoul.
He immigrated in 1975 to Germany and studied from 1985 to 1991 painting at the university of arts Berlin.

For Tae Woo Kang the process of painting enjoys top priority. Obviously perfect paintings still undergo a complete transformation.
It is easy to understand Kang simply as an abstract painter. He paints figuratively. The focus of his works is on composition, color, old masterly glaze techniques or currently serially applied pointillism.

However, this does not sum up the entirety of his work. In his works, there is no narrative in the true sense, but he knows how to create moods that are both strangely familiar and astounding. The works present collective memories, that seem real but are evoked within the paintings.


Im Kontext des Leitthemas für das Jahr 2017, der asiatischen Diaspora im Allgemeinen und der koreanischen Diaspora im Besonderen, zeigt NON Berlin zum Abschluss eine umfassende Werkschau des 1964 in Seoul geborenen Malers Tae-Woo Kang.
Dieser emigrierte bereits 1975 nach Deutschland und studierte von 1985 bis 1991 Malerei an der Hochschule der Künste Berlin.

Bei Tae Woo Kang genießt der Prozess des Malens höchste Priorität, vermeintlich vollendete Gemälde können noch eine vollständige Verwandlung erfahren. Man könnte sogar Gefahr laufen, Tae Woo Kang als einen im Grunde genommen abstrakten Maler zu verstehen, der zwar figurative Motive wählt, aber Komposition, Farbe und insbesondere Maltechnik – bisweilen altmeisterliche Lasurtechniken oder den aktuell seriell angewandten Pointilismus – in den Vordergrund stellt. Doch dies wird Tae-Woo Kang keineswegs gerecht.

Er intendiert zwar nicht zur Erzählung, versteht es aber eine Stimmung zu schaffen, die nicht wirklich fassbare, seltsam vertraute, zeitweise sogar kollektiv anmutende Erinnerungen evoziert. Ein Geheimnis, ein Mysterium ist und bleibt werkimmanent.

Grounding Diaspora in Architecture #3

The project consists of three exhibitions: ‘Architecture and Design’, ‘Architecture and Art’ and ‘Architecture and Urbanity/Urbanization/the Urban’. These categories are based on examining the features of the diaspora and the settlement of migrants. Contemporary migrants laminate the various layers of contents in urban society. The urban can be said to be a combination of intangible and tangible memory. Diaspora is a messenger of ‘collective memories’ accumulated by migrants and its historical strata.
Diaspora is a continuous phenomenon that has been existed in our history. However, it has been closely related to the urban structures and architectures. Overall, this project has a contemporary meaning which deals with infrastructure and their relevance to the diaspora.

image credit for the Vernissage: Chan Sook Choi

Friday, December 8th 2017, 7 - 10pm

December 9 - 30th 2017 2 pm - 7 pm (Thurs-Sat)

Tae Woo Kang

Bernhard Draz

